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Ramadan Mubarak !

Your generous contributions will have a great impact on eliminating hunger in Africa.

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Humanitarian Endeavors for a Better World


Holistic education approach integration academics and morals across all levels fo learning.

Health Care

Mobile clinics provide a range of general medical services, including circumcisions and essential vaccinations.

Water Wise Projects

We are tackling the humanitarian crisis of inadequate access to clean drinking water by implementing established water conservation projects, including boreholes construction, water harvesting, water usage and preservation education.

Share and Care Programme

Generous donations of charitable hampers are being graciously provided to those in need.

Sadaqa and Qurbani Animals

We slaughter animals and distribute meat on behalf of our donors.

Sustainable Projects

Planting seeds, nurturing seedlings, harnessing solar energy, and ensuring food security: keys to a sustainable future.

Prophet Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ Borehole Project​

Partake in this divine mission and become a blessed shareholder in our sacred project.

45% Funded

We're steadily advancing towards our goal for the borehole project